Monday, July 31, 2006

Oh ah Hezbollah!, I said oh ah Hezbollah!!

Their is nothing more dangerous than dabbling into the politics of the Middle East. No matter what stance you take you are sure to be attacked by one side or the other. What is tragic is the hypocrisy and short-memories of some of the fly by night commentators that have aired their opinions of late.
The worse that come to mind are your generic morning news teams. You would think news staff at any TV station in the world would have the gumption to realise the current Isreal-Hezbollah conflict has complex roots and complex definitions. That didn't stop one breakast news host from going into a tirade about ending the war immediately and demanding an immediate end to hostilities.
Do the media live in a bubble? Do they think being on TV gives them magical powers?
Rather than trying to find someone who has some understanding of the situation, they are quite happy to reel off any crap that comes into their minds.
I suppose it's my fault for not switching off.

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