Monday, November 06, 2006

World Tour gets dangerous. Ethiopia

As my World tour slowly creeps along, it has mostly been a pleasant affair. While things got nasty in Afghanistan, fun was to be had in Bangladesh, Canada and Denmark.
Oh well, now for some trouble.
Ethiopia is heading towards an absolute Shit Storm of Katrina proportion. If the news is correct, we could be hearing more about full scale war and insurgence in this area. It seems the Jihad called by Somali war lords, is cranking up.
I predict big news from here soon.
If you check an Atlas of the world and find the border regions between Islamic and non-Islamic areas, you are pretty certain to find a dangerous place on Earth.
Right across Africa, Kashmir, Thailand, throughout Indonesia, The Balkans etc. you will find no end of strife in these zones.
Ethiopia is caught in a huge vice.
Somali warlords, Eritrea and lets not forget nearby Sudan.

The form guide suggests, this Bronco is about to bolt out of the gates and go crazy. I'll put a small wager on it.

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