Monday, March 05, 2007

Strange days indeed

I recently spent time away from all the traps of Civilization.
No Phone.
No Computer.
No TV.
No Blogs.

Sheer bliss, even though it was all hard work.

Coming back to Civilization, I noticed an increase of a certain despicable creature, THE GLOBAL WARMING CELEBRITY.
I am offering a reward to anyone who can curtail the growth in numbers of this rapidly breeding PEST.
Forget the Mynah Bird, the Cat and the Cane Toad. This new pest has to be stopped.

The best idea will win a copy of "The Memoirs of Richard Nixon".

1 comment:

Dee said...

Yes Polarizer, it does have to be stopped and it's down to the blogosphere! So into the fray again!
(You really went without a computer?)