Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Taliban. We are back to square one.

According to the linked report, we are back to the beginning in Afghanistan.
Before the S 11 attacks, the suppression of individuals under Taliban rule was relatively unknown in the West. Reports of Human Right abuses came out at a trickle. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International were doing their best to notify the world of the atrocities taking place, but to no avail.
The destruction of the World's largest Buddhist statue by the Taliban, lifted a few eyebrows. But the Taliban still operated as they pleased.
A few months before S 11, I received a chain email asking me to put my name protesting the Taliban regime. I of course did.
Also of note is that during this period in Afghanistan 90 percent of the world heroin supplies were coming from this area, funding the Taliban regime.

Then came S 11.
Suddenly world focus had switched to Afghanistan. The Human right abuses that had been ignored for so long, were on the news every second day.
Condemnation was coming from all quarters and after a brief military campaign, the Taliban was ousted from power in Kabul. It would be only a matter of time before the were removed all together.

Almost 5 years later everything has gone full circle.
Afghanistan is off the world political radar and draconian, oppressive laws are being re-instituted. Elements of the Taliban and Al-Qaida are alive and well in certain areas and Heroin production is remaining steady.

What does it take to remove tyranny from the world?
In Afghanistan it took S 11 to activate regime change.
In Iraq the excuse was WMD's, not human rights abuse, to remove the Dictatorial Saddam Hussein.
So, apparently, Human rights abuse is not an issue according to the "free" world.

While the left and right of Western politics try to strangle each other, they will take sides with Dictators and Regimes who commit Human Right abuses, just to suit their political positioning. The Western left have been disgraceful in their defense of Saddam Hussein, Leftist Dictators ( Chavez and Castro as examples) and Mafia style Islamic extremists. The key reason for their blind support for these types seems solely to rest in their Anti-Bush, Anti-American stance. The "enemy of our enemy is our friend" philosophy, has consumed many left wing groups.
The right, meanwhile, have gone quite on Human rights. Maybe they realize nobody in the West cares much about Human Rights abuses anymore.

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