Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We need more protesters, if only they brought back conscription.

Cindy Sheehan.
Who is she?

Cindy Sheehan lost her son in Iraq.
The loss of a loved one is distressing, particularly in tragic circumstances. I imagine Cindy would be looking for an explanation to ease the pain. Anybody with a heart feels empty and looks for ways to heal the soul in the face of tragedy. Quite often a person in mourning will run the full gamut of emotions. Anger, depression, irrational blame, social withdrawal are just some of those emotions.
The best way to conquer these emotions is to surround yourself with patient and understanding people.
Cindy managed to surround herself with people.
What Cindy did next was to protest against the war in Iraq. She has protested in several ways, ranging from sit-ins to hunger strikes and even threatening to enter politics. At this point I think the attempt at healing had passed.
She bought a property in Crawford, Texas, to be closer to the President's home. She made friends with Michael Moore and is rallying for a huge protest, called Camp Casey.

Her latest public letter goes into her thoughts, philosophies and contacts she has had with Vietnam war protesters.

"...Many of them (Vietnam protesters) say. "If there were only a draft, people would get off of their butts and protest the war like we did during Vietnam."

or have a look at her own words of advice..
"Our brothers are being "bound and gagged" and "chained to chairs in Guantanamo."

or how about these healing words...
"Not only has this administration, with the eager approval of Congress, committed genocide on a massive scale, they are taking away our civil rights and our right to be heard and counted".

So lets summarize.
A grieving mother wants more Americans to die, so that she can boost numbers for her egocentric protest.
She describes allies of those responsible for her sons death as "brothers".
She accuses her own country as a perpetrator of Genocide (I fell off my chair!) and falsely claims her voice isn't being heard, when her thoughts are published on one of the most well read websites in the world.

May your son rest in Peace.
Cindy Sheehan on the other hand gets no sympathy from me. If she thinks going on an ego trip on the Mike Moore express will change her world, she had better wake up to herself. She has made it plainly obvious that she has used her son's death to raise her profile and that of other parasites.
Intelligent people have seen right through you, those who haven't are blind.

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