Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sacre Bleu ! Who will save Tintin?

What if Tintin was alive today?

( Hold on, he never existed ! )

Suspend disbelief for the moment and click on the link for his most recent adventures.

Can anyone tell me why so many people are obsessed with Tintin?
For the life of me, I can't understand why so many adults turn into screaming kiddies when it comes to Tintin.
For me he represents naive, middle-upper class Europe. A simplistic Euro-centric world view, rife with patronizing references to Non-Europeans.
As a ten year old, I enjoyed a good cartoon. Tintin was one of these.
Well drawn and great "Tom Brownesque", boys adventure.

But attaching these stories to great literature is pure wank.
Yes. Pure Wank.

I suppose I'm acting like someone burning someones' Teddy bear, but Teddy Bears are for kids.
Tintin is also for kids and Adults who fawn over this character give me the Shits.

P.S. I never saw Tintin with a decent chick. What was going on there?

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